Brand: it's sew emma

Showing all 2 results

  • It’s Sew Emma The Bonnie & Camille Quilt Bee Book


    In The Bonnie & Camille Quilt Bee Book, this celebrated mother-daughter team present their personal stories of how quilting has shaped their past and present while influencing future generations
    They also share tips on how to make quilting an occasion to be shared with family, friends, and the global quilting community along with many practical quilting tips
    This book features 12 amazing projects, including the unforgettable Shine On Sampler Quilt, nine coordinating quilts, a pillow and one gift-worthy thread catcher

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  • It’s Sew Emma Vintage Christ mas Quilt Book by Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet


    It’s Sew Emma Vintage Christ mas by Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet
    42 vintage quilt block patterns
    28 total Christ mas projects and quilt patterns

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